Monday, May 6, 2013

Can You Translate This My Canadian Brothers And Sisters

For years, I was a keener, but after my short-lived stint as reeve of Dildo, Nfld., in which I stumped for the still-unpopular Gouge and Screw Tax — dinged in the polls and my approval rating going downhill as fast as a runaway toboggan or a bus shagger — I put the kerfuffle behind me and tried to forget the fact that I’d been soundly turfed, even though Joey Smallwood’s buddy had cherry-picked me himself. I got off the chesterfield, threw on my old housecoat and thongs, hucked a forty pounder, half-sack of swish and mickey of goof in a Loblaws bag over my shoulder before leaving my bachelor apartment to head due west past fire halls and hydros and parkades and corner stores in the direction of Dead Rear, Oilberta looking for some kind of joe job — cleaning eavestroughs; stitching hockey sweaters; packing Smarties; anything! — although damned if I knew whether I would find work once I got there.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahaha, love all those Canuckisms! We have a Canadian friend who lives in the US and is married to an American -- when we were visiting, I happened to use the word "parkade" and she made me go and repeat it to her husband. He had never believed it was a real word when she used it previously, LOL!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Sorry, I stopped paying attention after "Screw Tax". *snort* *snicker*

M. D. Jackson said...

What needs translating? It sounds like perfectly good English to me, eh?