Sunday, June 2, 2013

Supersized 'Man of Steel' Trailer With New Footage

This very well produced feature on the upcoming Man of Steel movie is the very reason why the Internet is so cool for me. It gives me access to such great pieces that are especially interesting when the product they are showing off is something I am already genetically primed to love. There is no way that 'Man of Steel' won't be the biggest hit of the summer. I am sure the movie will bring me to tears like this feature did at times. The Golden Age of the superhero movie continues.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Its great to hear all the reasoning behind the choices that they made to rebuild such an established character.

I don't know if we're in a "Golden Age" of superhero movies, but we're certainly experiencing a renaissance movement for the subgenre. We may have to lay down some terms to define the eras.

Because of the technology and the "kiddie fare" ghetto that comics were living in at the time, getting a comic book movie was HARD. I'm amazed we even got a Superman movie before now, let alone in '78, though a sudden burst of sci-fi senstation from Star Wars probably helped a lot there.

First Wave: It was around the time of Tim Burton's Batman in '89 that we got a big boom of comic book movies, particularly two-fisted, shadowy pulp figures like Ninja Turtles, The Shadow, Dick Tracy, The Phantom and the Rocketeer. New Technology and easy access to the rights of smaller companies brought The Mask and Men in Black to the big screen. However, diminishing sequel quality ended that era with '97's "Batman and Robin".

Second Wave: Blade and X-Men of 98 and '00 brought in darker more adult tones to try and mature the genre, but sensitivity to violence and terrorism toned things down for the Spider-Man series. Daredevil and Hulk tried to reignite the grit with mixed results. After The Incredibles mocked convention, the title we got felt campier like Catwoman, Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider. Spider-Man 3's mood whiplash in 2007 was the end of an era.

Third Wave (The Renaissance): 2008 gave us a one-two punch of Oscar nominated performances for both Iron Man and The Dark Knight. Both films also emphasized realism, characterization and escalation, showing a maturing nature to the series. This set the path for more contemporary adaptations of characters that might have otherwise felt gimmicky like Thor, Captain America which lead to the blockbuster Avengers. Man of Steel looks to follow this same style.

Anonymous said...

Star Wars really was a clarion call to the film industry in showing what was possible, forcing them to step up their game.

Kal said...

But to see what this COULD be, I mean WOW. I want to believe that a man can fly and he can kick arrogant General ass. I figured it out too...phantom zone and experience. Clark has lived his whole lifetime with his powers..fine tuning them. Zod has been superhuman, what, a week?