Sunday, January 19, 2014

90'S Jean Grey By Uncanny Megan



Jeremy [Retro] said...

nicely done costumes... they need a little editing for artistic purpose.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

One of Jean Grey's more unique costumes, especially in its departure from the green and gold colors she's had since the late '60s (Cyclops is experiencing something similar right now with his all red duds)

Its also good to see her distancing herself from the Phoenix motif since by the 90s that story line was done for good. (yeah right)

Although, despite being a 90s costume, looking at it now it has a lot of 80s elements about it. It pointy shoulders, and the swimsuit/exercise suit with that odd design were the bottom was worn higher than were your butt actually was so that any woman wearing it looked like she had a permanent wedgie.

Jeff said...

Cal, you okay? You haven't posted anything since Sunday. What's the rumpus?