Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Enji Night Without Costume

As gorgeous as Enji is in her costumes, I think I actually prefer seeing her without all the extra frills. She is a remarkably beautiful girl from Hungary with eyes that you can stare into for days.






david_b said...

Gorgeous eyes..

And SEEEEE..?? No tats.

"Isn't she lovely without 'em..?"

Kal said...

Both types of girls are beautiful my brother. Can't be judging the ladies too. Is there nothing that you just don't accept unconditionally? Hard enough with my own journey than to ever judge something like a tattoo...not belief systems though...I can judge those all damn day long. But the ladies get a pass from Doctor Love (not my real name)

david_b said...

Sir, I don't judge anyone. You really need to think about comments.

Judging means I'm making a moral judgement solely on appearance or characteristics, like 'She's a bad person because she has tats'.

'Silly rabbit.'

My statement is based on visual preference, based on the fact that I believe the human body is 'beautiful art beyond compare' without markings or 20 lip-piercings. I never convey anything other than a preference sir. There are no judgements.

Plus, it's MUCH easier to cosplay without 'em.

"Soooooooo, having said that, any tats YOU WISH to share with us, Doctor Love.....?"

Kal said...

Not a one. I don't like the pain and I never found one I liked more than the ones my Dad had and he hated his thought they looked good. Panther fighting a snake on his forearm. He never made a big deal about them but I grew up with them.