Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's Going To Be A Great Spring And Summer For Movies

McKellen brings Shakespeare to his role as Magneto - one of my all time favorite Marvel villains. Magneto is only fighting to preserve his fellow mutants from humans who would exploit or outright kill them. I agree with his motivations if not his methods. Another character ripe for redemption.

Wolverine with bone claws? Obviously set in a time before the Weapon X program. That means no unbreakable skeleton or razor sharp claws that can cut through anything. He can't take half the damage the modern Wolverine can. Great idea to take some of the super out of this superhuman to make his final victory all the sweeter. Just like in The Wolverine he will be the hero.

Jennifer Lawrence in blue makeup and scales? That is a win/win all round and good on her for taking on this role for the second time. She doesn't have to do these kind of big superhero movies but like all the other big names believed in the director and the project.
I love the idea of Sunspot, Kitty, Iceman and Colossus survived the extermination of the mutants by Trask and his Sentinels. It makes sense. Only the most powerful would be able to stay alive on the run and the future X-men would have to always be on the run to avoid their extermination.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looking forward to this one too!