Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Proof We Won The Cold War...FOR GOOD!

This is the final nail in the coffin that was the Cold War. It was only the best war EVER, because no one fired a shot.

I know I posted this earlier in the week but it's too great not to repeat. When the biggest thing at the opening ceremonies is a men's choir singing what could pass for a gay anthem just seems the height of irony to me. I love the way the Universe turns sometimes. And what the hell is the guy in the front doing? He is not conducting anything. His arm movements don't match up with the music. He's like that fake interpreter at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

So for a Russian opening ceremony they took a pop song created by two Frenchmen and sang it in English, the language of the devil? Just want to make sure I got all the cultural references right.

On a side note, how much of that sweet Olympic action do you think these guys are getting? If it was me I would be at the curling ring until the event my uniform so the athletes couldn't miss me. Some Russian bastards have all the luck.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Could pass" for a gay anthem? No, it IS a gay anthem! Village People and the Pet Shop Boys, are you kidding? And I laughed like a hyena at your comparison to the fake interpreter.

Kal said...

He's just up there because he is the boss.