Monday, April 14, 2014

Quote Of The Day



j-swin said...

that's right numbnuts, pay your taxes! Bully!

david_b said...

Yes, it's called 'capitalism'.

And it works great. Reagan said the best social program out there is a job, and I couldn't agree more.

Mike said...

What percentage constitutes "peculiar"?

Kal said...

Unrestricted capitalism is wrong and you know that. Teddy saw the value in fairness. Make your billions like ALL you Americans do and then give a little more back. It's good Karma.

Keep supporting the billionaires because they certainly are looking out for you.

david_b said...

Did I ever, ever say 'unrestricted'..? Jeez, sir, lighten up.

I will say socialism steals the incentive to get ahead, proven fact and yes, YOU know that.

Hence my resistance to letting the government take over more and more what it's people used to strive longer and harder to accomplish like high grades, college education and better healthcare.

It steals your pride to say 'I accomplished this', and allow weaker-minded folks to instead say, 'Why bother?'.

Oh, and reminder sir, the rich carry FAR more of the tax burden than poor folk, you also know that.

Great post.