Friday, July 4, 2014

I Am A Huge Fan Of The Work Of Ken Burns

I wish we had a similar filmmaker in Canada with the skills that Ken Burns has at bringing history to life. So more so than in the documentary I watched today on my favorite of American icons - The Statue Of Liberty. One day I will return to New York city and do the ONE touristy things I never got the chance to do.

The Statue was first constructed during the first early days of both photography and newspaper journalism so there a ton of images on the building and assembly of the Statue of Liberty as it moved from idea to completion.

It's quite a process that fascinated me throughout. Worth your time if you want to feel proud to be an American - even though you are not one.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The amazing thing about a Burns documentary is the incredibly dynamic use he makes of still photographs, all that is available from the eras he addresses.

Kal said...

Match that with perfect voice casting and real attention to storytelling and you always have a winner from this guy. I wanted his series on Baseball and I haven't been a fan since I was a kid of that sport.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I still need to catch up on Ken Burns. Although I am reading about my country's history through Bill Bryson's new book "One Summer" about the summer of 1927 were Charles Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic, Babe Ruth lead the Yankees to victory, construction started on Mount Rushmore, Prohibition was put into law and the seeds were sown for economic crisis that lead to The Great Depression.

Kal said...

Sounds like one hell of a year