Thursday, July 17, 2014

More Changes Coming From Marvel Comics

For some reason that I am not aware of, Sam Wilson has to step up and take over the role of Captain America. With the changes coming to Thor I was sure that Marvel wasn't done with us yet, especially on the eve of ComiCon. I don't like to judge these things before I read them because often what seems like a change for change sake becomes a really compelling story. I am wishing for the same here. And for those of you freaking out, don't worry. Marvel will set everything back to the way it was just in time for the next Avengers movie so their is no confusion between comic pages and the movie screen. They have too much investing in these properties not to do so. However it is nice to see Marvel taking some chances with their audience. You would think the boys in corporate would be holding to the status quo but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I assume the flaming guy is NOT the Human Torch so answer me this - Why did his shirt and shoes and socks burn off but not his pants? They have all kinds of fireproof suits in the Marvel Universe. You would think that someone would whip him up a quick outfit just so he didn't have to look like such a hobo. Hell Johnny Storm probably has flame proof tuxedo in his closet. At least give the guy a t-shirt with the Avengers logo on it. Something.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

The story is that Steve Rogers had the Super Soldier Serum sucked out of him, so Sam is taking up the mantle. I think it suits him.

I'm still not sold on Thor is a woman. This isn't Thor being Rule 63'd by magic, this is an new hero with the power of Thor, expect its not Thor its someone else who doesn't have a distinct name I can call her by. I'm not too crazy about the duds either, but I'll spare you the rant.

I am curious why Iron Man decided to go "Platinum Edition" on us all the sudden. Either its someone new too or Shellhead wanted to stand out amongst so many other red garbed heroes.

Kal said...

Change in Marvel always means a new armor for Iron Man. Same deserves his chance. Though who will be the Falcon now. Why put that sweet tech on the shelf.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the idea of "Thor" essentially being an office (or official status) that is conferred by Mjolnir rather than being an inherent personal characteristic. Opens the role up to all sorts of possibilities.

Marvel is looking to the future. Can't peddle the same old stories indefinitely. Gotta move with the times, man!

Dr. Theda said...

The "Mouse" controls All of Marvel as well....
There will be more "Abominations"...

Kal said...

I forgot about that. The Mouse is an evil mistress indeed.

Mike said...

The only things I dont HATE in that picture are Ant Man and Dr Strange. What the Hell is Medusa wearing?

Mike D. said...

I ....have nothing to add. I am stupified