Friday, October 10, 2014


Even though I have to download the programs I am used to working with all over again, it's good to have the big computer back in the Command Center of Cool. I got my downloads and pictures back so I feel like I am ahead of the game. Plus there is Chinese food coming. Win/win all round.
I am glad I had the ipad mini the past couple of days or I would have bugged out. I walked a lot and did a ton of boring chores that needed to be done but the days just went by so damn slowly. I felt like I got nothing done when it reality I got a lot of things done.
So annoying that I have to remember passwords or change them but it's all part of the process I guess.
So thank you for your patience and now let's get back to the cat captions.


Dr. Theda said...

We Always enjoy your posts. my Friend....
did not know that you were without a computer for a bit.... your posts were as good as always...
Glad that things are going well for you now....

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

They are. Thanks.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad to hear the Cave of Cool is fully operational again. It was a shaky few days for the Free World.

Mike D. said...

When you order Chinese food...what dish do you order

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The usual, egg roll, beef broccoli, sweet and sour soup,

Mike said...

Glad to hear your back up! Congrats on the new computer