Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Evil Asshole Quote Of The Week

"Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris. (For all the wrong reasons.) Obama couldn't do it for right reasons" - Rep Randy Webber TX

It's so unfortunate that elected political officials in the US still feel that they can make these kind of statements without fear of retribution. In most other such cases, these racists avoid any negativity because to the other racists, they were merely playing to their base - a base so ignorant and full of hate that they actually believe that the 'coloreds' are their enemy. And that is just the way the corporations and politicians want you to think. Focus your hate and rage at the wrong target.

You should be mad at income inequality and a dying middle class and a lack of opportunity in an ever changing world. You should be mad at your Congress which chooses big money interests over your best good each and every time. You need not look further than the way soldiers are treated in the states, especially those with injuries you can' see like PTSD. It's a scandal and Canada is just as guilty.

And then through some nifty verbal gymnastics full of false equivalencies everything gets deflected to someone else or something else.

When I hear this kind of acceptable speech I wonder how a person so limited in his thinking can be so resistant to change or even to the possibility that they are wrong. Maybe, with a nice dose of humanity, they can be brought over to the side of the fence where the rational humans live.

If you are an elected official, have a little dignity. Have a bit of class. Try to bring out the best in others and find ways to compromise. Don't remain a part of the problem and don't encourage those who are prone to follow orders from those smarter than them or in powers of authority, to fuel their hate with your rhetoric. Build them up with the power of your ideas, not just the hatred of your enemy, who. BTW is also an American citizen, just like you.



notaleftie said...

How the hell is that accurate comment racist???

Kelly Sedinger said...

The comment is only "accurate" if we redefine "accurate" to mean, "fucking stupid".

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, plus the stupid fucker can't even spell "Adolf" right.