Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mid Week Image Blizzard








DrGoat said...

ROM Annual good!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I do miss that Spaceknight. Think of him in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Captain Amelia is underrated.

Speaking of Spider-Man cosplay, what do you think of this new Spidey being in the Avengers movie news Kal?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am composing a post. It's a great idea. Spider-Man worked in the comics as an Avenger and you have many great moments to exploit...that loner learning to work as a team while they learn to trust this 'menace'. Plus he is a major character in the Civil War storyline. He revealed his identity in the comics and took on a new Iron Spider costume. If they tell his origin is some montage segment I will be happy. Just toss him into the mix. Explain his life as you go. We ALL don't need another origin story. In fact you can do more with the big reveal that he is just a kid who let his Uncle die because he was selfish. That is why he does what he does. Captain America would respect that and be Spidey's biggest booster. Plus he could always be hitting on Widow for comedy effect. Can you imagine him hanging on the wall while they meet and goof on everyone.