Thursday, March 12, 2015

Welcome To US Foreign Policy

Read the Logan Act you traitorous dogs.
You all deserve to be jailed where you will be sodomized.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, hey, HEY, buddy -- don't be giving anal sex a bad name by mentioning it in the same breath as those sonsabitches.

JDsivraj said...
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JDsivraj said...

Gee shouldn't Pelosi, and Obama already be there to great them? The Daiy show had a good wrap up of the isse a night or so ago which shwed US Senators have been up to similar sheenanigns for years and media and political outrage falls in line with which side of the fence people are on.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Let's be clear here. This all happened A DAY after an agreement had come down. We ALL know that congress and get rid of this thing and it's not worth the paper it is printed on. We all know it's crap but it's LEVERAGE against IRAN who we need to help stop the Shia and the Suni. To undermine the President makes you all look weak in a global game where weakness is exploited. And don't lead with the false equivalencies. I am so sick of that. THESE are the traitorous dogs that need to be rooted out. DOGS!!

JDsivraj said...

Its more of the same old same old if you ask me. And they cankt be rode out unless all of a sudden congress is going to start acting like it's made up of people that give a crap about the country instead of political creatures protecting their own power. The electorate has short memories and an awful lot of people elected some of the people in Washington to oppose the President so they are acting in line with the desires of those voters. Bringing the dogs to heel is going to be almost impossible.

JDsivraj said...

Its more of the same old same old if you ask me. And they cankt be rode out unless all of a sudden congress is going to start acting like it's made up of people that give a crap about the country instead of political creatures protecting their own power. The electorate has short memories and an awful lot of people elected some of the people in Washington to oppose the President so they are acting in line with the desires of those voters. Bringing the dogs to heel is going to be almost impossible.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That monster will eventually devour itself but until that happens there will be much fallout.