Friday, August 14, 2015

Kitten And Dragon By Atlas

I came across this art by Atlas a few days ago and immediately recognized the subject as Kitten from Kitten and Dragon. She was one of the first cosplayers I admired because of how comic perfect her Kitty Pryde from the X-Men was. You could easily have just cast her in the movie and we all would have been fine with that on her look alone. This is the best part of cosplay for me. The combining of a great character with a great costume and a great model to bring the superhero to life. I understand how difficult the magic is to get right. This girl has that magical extra that all the great ones do. She always get's it right. 
I love when people do art of me so when I saw this black and white and colored piece I knew how thrilled Kitten must have been to see these. Atlas did a great job. Take some time and check out some of her stuff. I know I will be searching it for images to share here at the Cave of Cool.

This was written by the artist.

I’ve been watching Kitten and Dragon​ for a few months now, and I’m a big fan of her Kitty Pryde cosplays as I really feel like she embodies the look/feel of the character, so I decided I’d do a little fan art of her–and she courteously gave me the go-ahead to do it :)

I’m really happy with the way the colors turned out on this. Extremely.


I have been thinking for awhile about adding some artwork with some of the cosplays I display so that people can see just how perfectly the character was mimicked by the cosplay performer. Kitten has done almost all the major looks for Kitty Pryde and each is perfection. So often she looks like she just stepped off the pages of an X-man comic book. I admire her artistry and her dedication to one favorite character. I also like having her as one of my friends on the Facebooks so the chance to share her cool cosplay along with the art of another fan is something I could not resist creating a post about. She is always kind and sweet to me and never ignores my comments. She never treats me like some creep for being an old fan of a young girl's hobby. That character trait alone makes her a worthy subject for my blog.

She liked the post. That is very cool.
I have big love for humanity this day.

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