Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Contest Of Champions

These are from those great times back in the 80s when I got 20 dollars every two weeks just to buy comics. My parents knew what a freak I was for them and they indulged my hobby knowing that it would keep me out of the streets because the streets are where your comic books could get ruined in the rain. So I could take a chance on something new and this was one of those golden choices. Contest of Champions was one of the very FIRST comic book mini-series that Marvel ever published. Three issues of Marvel storytelling greatness featuring most every character you ever met and many that were made up special for this mini. It was a totally fresh concept. There had been multi-issue arcs before but only with-in individual titles. Never a stand alone epic like this. If this one would have bombed you would have never had a Dark Knight Returns, or Watchmen or Kingdom Come or Secret Wars. Apparently people wanted to see huge series and bigger stories outside of the regular titles of their favorite characters. They wanted bigger and they got it. Of course like everything else Marvel went to the well too many times and spoiled the idea but at the beginning it was exciting to be a part of as a collector.

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